Regular users of Clifton Village Hall:

Kitchen Taps Appalachian Dance


The Kitchen Taps come from Otley, West Yorkshire, and perform traditional Appalachian Dance to authentic Bluegrass and Mountain music.

They are well known for their lively and intricate routines, and have performed at festivals up and down the country for over 15 years. The dancers are backed by their band who play a range of bluegrass and old time music on traditional instruments. They are rightly proud of their complex, foot tapping tunes.

We practice most Sunday evenings - please check before travelling. New dancers or musicians welcome!

Otley Amateur Radio Society

Contact: Michael Ross

Otley Amateur Radio Society is a friendly group of people of all ages and from all walks of life who share a common interest in Amateur Radio communications. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in Amateur Radio and related technologies.

We meet on Tuesdays from 7.30 - 9.30pm. Please check our Website for more details.

Playful Being

Contact: Mel at

Comedy improv,  a great way to get more play and laughter into your life

Thursdays 7 - 9pm

Rainbow Daycare Group

Contact: Tel: 01423 223 454

The Rainbow Care Group provides dementia day care services across North and West Yorkshire including specialist sports service day care groups. We run our day groups from peaceful community settings to ensure the days do not feel clinical or institutional. We encourage social interaction, fun, and provide cognitive stimulation through meaningful activities.

Our vision

Our vision is to change the way Dementia Care services are delivered in the UK, through our pioneering and person-centred approach.

Our mission

Our services strive to provide individualised, person-centred care to people living with dementia in our community. It is our mission to promote dignity and independence, by providing care and support in a safe and happy environment, enabling people to participate in social interaction and meaningful and purposeful activities and continue to live at home.

We also hope that we can alleviate some of the stigma surrounding dementia and can raise more awareness of the condition, through positive community links.

Overall, our priority is to support individuals living with dementia in maintaining the best quality of life possible.

Tel:   01423 223 454







Sing and Sign


A group which encourages early learning for babies through to 24 months.


Contact: Angela Lowry 01423 779083

Dog Training Class - Mondays and,Wednesdays  6.00-9.00pm



Yoga group

Every Sunday between 10.00 and 11.00am